Poll: Donald Trump Leads Kamala Harris – Hits 52%
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Despite the mainstream media’s narrative, Donald Trump remains in the lead.
A Harvard/Harris Poll found that Donald Trump leads Kamala Harris by 52%-48% when leaners are included.
Without leaners, Donald Trump leads 48% to 45%.
Or so analysts thought. According to a new Harvard-Harris CAPS poll, Donald Trump leads Kamala Harris 52/48 with leaners, and 48/45 without. Harris has improved Joe Biden’s numbers on the latter, but not the former:
Even the unsure voters are breaking toward Trump, at least somewhat. The more worrisome data for Democrats are in the charts below, however. Trump holds Republicans to the ticket better than Harris holds her own party in both formulations. In fact, her 87% without leaners should be a red flag for the DNC, suggesting strongly that the party is not as sold on The Anointing as the media claims, even with the full-court press on Kamalot!
Take a look at the indie numbers, too. Trump leads by six points without leaners — and six points with leaners. One has to wonder whether the sample tilts a bit toward the Dems based on those results plus the party loyalty numbers above. If so, Trump’s still scoring an outright majority over Harris, who’s attractiveness as a candidate is at its zenith before she’s forced to open her mouth about policy.
In the next slide down, we see even more demographic red flags ahead for Harris and the Dems. Trump leads by 12 among men and only trails by four among women 44/48. Trump also wins an astounding 25% of the black vote and 44% of the Hispanic vote, which is slightly lower than in some other polling.